Monthly Newsletter

October 2023 Newsletter


When I mention the words ”Church Homecoming” what comes to your mind? Some people think about seeing old friends and renewing old acquaintances. Others think about good food and fellowship. Many others think about returning to the place where they were brought up and taught about the Lord.

All these things are important. They are wholesome thoughts and are an important part of a church homecoming day. But when I think of church homecomings I think of another word, that word is faithfulness. This faithfulness in two areas, the faithfulness of God and the faithfulness of God’s people.

Throughout scripture we see verses talking about the faithfulness of God. Peter tells us in his second epistle that the “Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward.”

The psalmist tells us that, “Forever, O Lord thy word is settled in heaven. Thy faithfulness is unto all generations.” Isaiah declared, “For the mountains shall depart, and the hills be removed; but my kindness shall not depart from thee, neither shall the covenant of my peace be removed, saith the Lord that hath mercy on thee.”

And Moses reminds us, “Know therefore that the Lord thy God, he is God, the faithful God, which keepeth covenant and mercy with them that love him and keep his commandments to a thousand generations.”

The hymn writer said, “Great is thy faithfulness, O God my Father! There is no shadow of turning with thee; Thou changest not, Thy compassions they fail not; As thou hast been Thou forever wilt be. Great is thy faithfulness, Great is thy faithfulness, Morning by morning new mercy I see; All I have needed Thy hand hath provided – Great is thy faithfulness, Lord unto me!”

Truly most of us could testify to the faithfulness of God. He has been so good to us. Down through the years He has brought all of us a mighty long way. Not only has He saved our souls and made us whole, but He also blesses us in numerous ways each and every day.

By His grace and mercy He wakes us up each morning and allows us to see the day that He has made. He walks with us the whole day and when we lay our heads down He is right there looking after us through the night. He is such a wonderful and faithful God.

Not only do I think about God’s faithfulness, but also I think about the faithfulness of God’s people. We are able to have homecoming each year because of people like you who are interested in the work of the Kingdom. Back around 1830 there was a group of people in this area who had a dream and a desire to have a church where they could worship God. From that dream and desire has grown Elm Grove Original Free Will Baptist Church.

I am not sure if the church has had a homecoming each year, but regardless this will be our 193th celebration of God’s faithfulness to the ministry of Elm Grove.

Throughout those years there have been godly people who have had a desire to worship God and perform ministry. The church has come a long way over the past 193 years. From humble beginnings we now have wonderful facilities to worship and programs to help us do ministry. Over the years the church has seen many people come to know Christ as Lord and Savior.

As we gather this year for homecoming may we remember what God has done in the past and praise God for what He is going to do in the future. But may we also dedicate ourselves to be willing to be used of God so that Elm Grove can continue to touch lives in our community and around the world.

May the Lord place a smile on your face and love and joy down deep in your heart as you we celebrate God’s faithfulness and dedicate ourselves to the work of the Kingdom.

-Pastor Baggett

This October, we are beginning our series on Peace! As we learn that Peace is about connection to God, ourselves, others, and creation, we also note that it requires us to live differently than the world and the desires of the flesh. We must spend reflective and intentional time with God, acknowledge the presence of God, Immanuel - God with us, listen for the voice of God, and read the word of God.

During Kid’s Worship and on Wednesday Afternoons and evenings, we are creating a deeper understanding of how to live differently and choose to create Peace in our hearts. Want to join our kids in learning Memory verse about Peace? The Scripture calendar will be in the church lobby and the encouragement file table.

We have a few events happening this month, and we would love to see you there! Parent’s Night Out is Oct. 13th; if you are a parent and need a night off, drop off the kids and connect with your spouse, God, and yourself (bonus points if you connect with nature, too!) Not a parent and want to help babysit? Come out and join us!

We also will be having our annual FUN FEST! This is a night of fun for our kids and adults! We will have games, food, and a Trunk-or-Treat! As we did last year, we will divide Elm Grove Kids (nursery to 5th grade) from Grove Youth (6th - 12th grade) and have something special for all ages! We will need people to DONATE chips, drinks, cupcakes, candy, and small prizes!

We will also be doing Reverse Trick-or-Treating again this year. If you would like to bring candy, please bring it by Wednesday the 25th.

We appreciate our volunteers! We could not do all that we do with our kids without them. We currently have 2 nursery positions that need to be filled and 4 Children’s Worship Volunteer positions. If you would be willing to help once a month, it would greatly impact our kids! If you are willing to help, please see Chandler Baggett Whitford.

Fall 2023 Elm Grove Kids Calendar


This Fall Grove Youth has been focused on a big aspect of our faith knowing God’s Word and the Bible. Our teens know that the Bible has many stories in it, but it is also God’s Story of how much He loves us. From the beginning of creation, to the downfall of sin, through God’s people sometimes listening and still failing, to Jesus coming to redeem humanity, and seeing the early church sharing Jesus to the world. God’s story is powerful and most importantly God is not done with our own stories. God wants to use us - to follow Jesus - and help others in their walks with Him! We each have a story of how God is working in us and through us that can help point others to Jesus! Are we going to tell the story of Jesus?!

As the Fall is here we are excited for all things we have going on!

Fun Fest is for all ages, kids and teens alike! We are going to have a blast that evening on October 31st!

We are having our first Grove Youth Fall Retreat!!!! November 10th and 11th!!! We are going to be here at Elm Grove those 2 days with exciting games, food, worship, devotions, team building, and activities off campus. This will be a packed 2 days, and we ask for your prayers as we are preparing to spend intentional time with our teens and help them grow closer to Jesus!

We still are in need of others to join us and volunteer with our Grove Youth! Please pray and consider joining us as we minister to our youth and be the light of Jesus to them!

Grace & Peace, Pastor Jonathan ~ Youth Pastor of Elm Grove Church

Each week we recognize one of the families in our congregation. We ask that you lift them up in prayer and find a way to encourage them. Please take a few moments to send them a message, call, or in some way, let them know that you are thinking of them. If you don’t know who they are, this is an excellent opportunity to get to know some new people! We love all of our community here at Elm Grove and are so glad that you are part of it!

September 3 - Jeff and Orphy Thomas

September 10 - Teresa Garris

September 17 - Amber, Dalton and Harrison Adams

September 24 - Wayne and Mary Briley

tree of life additions

In Loving Memory of Ann V. Clark by James and Jennie Lou Garris

In Loving Memory of Jacqueline Pitt by James and Jennie Lou Garris.

September 2023 Newsletter

Finding Peace

in the Way of Jesus

Have you ever felt like you just couldn’t move? Like, the whole world was too much to handle? Almost all of us know what it’s like to want to hide under the covers and avoid the stress and pressure of the day.

But it’s not just one or two of us; we live in an anxious world. Our kids, teens, young adults, middle-aged, and elderly all seem to struggle with this physically altering emotion. Anxiety causes our heads and stomachs to hurt. It can even be paralyzing to those whom it overwhelms. It seems to be running rampant in our world. COVID came, and it seemed to make things even worse!

Everywhere we look, we see sicknesses made worse by stress and anxiety. So, how do we live into the peace of Jesus in the midst of it all? What does it mean to come to Him and find rest for our souls? It sounds wonderful, but also a little impossible. (Don’t forget we serve the God that makes all things possible!) It seems like we've been told this so many times, yet the anxiety, stress, and pressures of this world are still here! We even begin to wonder, is Jesus’ peace real?

Jesus Offers Real Peace

            Jesus says to us in Matthew 11, verses 28- 30, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.”

            Read those life-giving words again, this time from The Message paraphrase,

“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me, and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me, and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”

            These words offer something so many of us – all of us really, need. We need Jesus.

“Come to me.”

            First, to find this peaceful, needed rest, we must look in the right place. We can't find it when we look the whole world over, but don’t look to Jesus. He’s the one who has it. We must come to HIM! No amount of vacations or fun play time can restore our soul. Binge-watching TV or playing video games will not give us the rest we need. Seeing God’s beautiful creation and spending hours with family and friends are all wonderful, but they are not Jesus. To find true rest, we need Him.

“All who are weary and carry heavy burdens,”

            All we need when we come to Jesus is need. He doesn’t require that we bring big fancy gifts or massive amounts of money. All He asks for is us. Bring our need to Him. How beautiful and wonderful is it that our God wants to love on us so badly that He calls out to us, saying, “Bring me your need, your emptiness, your brokenness, and I will give you all that you need!”

Such love is spoken in that statement. He wants to care for us. He knows we are burdened. He sees our pain, our exhaustion, and our trying. He sees us.

Let that soak in. God Sees You.

And He promises, “I will give you rest.”

Rest, true soul quinching rest. It’s a gift. Grace. We can’t make it or earn it. There is no way we can deserve it. It is a gift of God. We are no longer slaves in Egypt. We are no longer enslaved to our bills or our work. We are no longer slaves to our to-do list. We are no longer enslaved people to the things of this world. We are free in Jesus. Free. Because He has given us a gift. The gift of rest.

How Do We Find It?

“Take my yoke upon you, let me teach you,”

To find the rest Jesus gives, we must learn how to live His way. We must begin to do things differently than the world around us. Differently than we did before.

What is His yoke?

His teachings rhythms and patterns. How did Jesus live while He was here on earth? What wisdom has He given us in Scripture that tells us how to live? When we live obedient to Him, we find rest.

But do we have to do it perfectly? I know I can’t do that. He never demands perfection. He knows we aren’t perfect. That’s why He came as the perfect sacrifice. He gives grace. Such amazing grace! Over this school year, we will look into what Jesus’ rhythms were and what other wisdom we see in Scripture that helps us walk the way of Jesus and find His peace.

I want to invite you to join us.

Living into the ways of Jesus

This school year we invite you to walk with Elm Grove Kids as they learn how to find Peace by walking the way of Jesus

The first four things we will be looking into are that we must live differently than the world, spend time with God, read His word, and walk with him always as Immanuel.

            Living Differently Than The World

It's long been said, “If you do what you’ve always done, you will get what you always got.” We want something different; we have to do something different.

If you know me, I’m a big believer in being intentional. When we are intentional, we don’t just end up somewhere. We make choices that lead us to a specific place or way of being.

The question becomes, how do we want to live? Do we want peace enough to choose different things to get it? Do we desire peace more than we desire fun? Or experiences, or thrill? Do we want peace more than our way in this world? Or to be accepted by others?

The first thing we must learn if we desire Jesus’s peace is to live differently, to be okay with others thinking we are different or weird.

We must change.

But what changes do we need to make? Peace isn’t simply about giving up or adding things to our schedule. It’s about choosing what’s best over what’s “good enough.” And sometimes, that does mean adding or removing something from our schedule, life, homes, etc.

But mostly, change means keeping our eyes and hearts focused on Jesus.

Spend Reflective, Intentional Time with God

Time with God can (and should) be anywhere and all the time. But we also need intentional time that we set aside to connect with Him.

We schedule meals every day. We have breakfast, lunch, and dinner. But then we also have snacks, unscheduled just because I’m hungry or want them. Our time with God is like that, too. We need the planned and the spontaneous. We need both. But the spontaneous is more likely to happen when we don’t neglect our planned time. (You’re more likely to eat veggies at a meal than at a snack.)

We need regular time with the Lord. Praying, remembering who God is, and submitting to Him. We need to be still before Him, with our hearts, minds, and bodies. Stillness can be challenging. But when we discipline ourselves, we learn not only how to do this but also how it changes us and leads us closer to peace.

We need time daily when we speak of His power and greatness. When we recall who we are talking to – the creator of the universe and God of all. He sits on the throne and rules over everything. He is God! We must remember who we are and who He has made us to be – His people. Made in His image and loved dearly, deeply loved.

We need time when we intentionally ask for the things we want. Tell Him we want His peace, and ask Him to show us the way. We need time to consider what He is asking of us. How is He calling us to sacrifice, give, or live differently?

We need time to examine our hearts, and to ask God to show us ourselves, our fears, our movitives, and our desires. We need time to thank Him, notice His goodness, and look around and be thankful. When we regularly plan time with God, our peace has space to grow. We give ourselves space to listen to the Holy Spirit and let Him reveal to us what He needs us to give to Him in our lives.

Without a regular relationship with God, what do we have? Is that not the core of our faith? That Jesus came to have communion with us. When do you take time to commune with Him?

Read the word of God.

Not only do we sit and share our hearts with God and listen to the Holy Spirit, but we also open His word.

The word became flesh and dwelt among us. The word is Jesus. If we abandon it, we abandon Him.

As part of that daily intentional time we spend with Him, we must open His word and read. Ask Him to reveal Himself anew to us each day. It’s never stale and old when it’s Jesus. It’s always fresh and new. Pick a book and work your way through it. Read your Sunday school lesson, or read other supporting texts to what your Sunday school lesson is teaching (or small group Bible Study).

Write down things that stand out to you in the text or questions you have. Ask God to show you His mysteries and to open your eyes and heart to what His word is teaching.

It’s not about the amount. Read one verse, or 4. Read a chapter or read until the narrative has a natural stopping point. There isn’t one right way to read Scripture. The key is to do it and do it diligently.

Acknowledge the presence of God – Immanuel.

After we have begun to sit with God and spend quality time with Him, after we have learned how to read His word and listen for His voice, it becomes so much easier to notice His presence.

They called Him Immanuel, God with us. He came to tabernacle (or dwell) in our midst. The Holy Spirit lives inside of those who follow Jesus. He is ALWAYS with us!

But we have to notice Him. Be attentive to His presence. Talk to Him, and remember that He is there.

As you go through your day, you do not walk alone. Walk with Jesus. Talk about Him and to Him. Make Him your very best friend! Have coffee with Him, wink at Him in the grocery store. Smile at Him, and know that He is smiling back at you.

The gift of Christmas (yes, I know it’s fall) is that of Immanuel, but it’s the gift for every day. The gift of Immanuel God is with us, is an every moment, all-the-time gift that gives us peace for our souls. God is with us, so everything will be okay. God is with us, so it doesn’t matter if my to-do list has to wait. God is with us, so there is always time to breathe deeply, smile, and give and love. God is with us. Here, today, and always.

What tremendous peace that offers. That is a light burden, an easy yoke, and a rest that will rejuvenate your souls. As we look further into what exactly the way of Jesus is, join us for more rest and peace for all.

May the God of rest fill you with His peace and presence as you rest in Him.        

This September, we are doing a mini-series on Psalm 100! During Children’s worship and on Wednesday Afternoons and evenings, we are hiding God’s truth in our hearts and bulking up our belt of truth with this powerful piece of God’s word!

Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands. Serve the Lord with gladness: come before his presence with singing. Know ye that the Lord he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture. Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name. For the Lord is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations.

Sunday school is still in full swing! If you have children on Sunday mornings, bring them to Sunday School at 9:00! This is the ONE time during our week that we focus on learning Biblical History or the stories of the Bible. This time is SO important!

With school starting back, things are falling into routine! We have a great group of kids at Ultimate Wednesday. If you are interested in helping every week or every other week, please let me know!

To our parents (and Grandparents):

I would like to continue to encourage you to take a few moments each day to pray with your kids and encourage them to pray with you. Model an active prayer life and time in the word for your kids. When they see you do this, they will be impacted! 


It’s Fall Yall!

The Summer has flown past us, and now we are at the doorsteps of Fall. Even in the changing of the seasons, a sense of normalcy and routine now comes from school starting and having a schedule that is sometimes predictable. But that does not mean things are to be like they always are. This Fall, our Wednesday studies and Grove Youth sermons are focusing on getting to what it means to find truth in God’s Word and having a relationship with Jesus. Everything we learn and do should draw us closer to Him and help us grow into looking less like us and more like Jesus.

How are we “spending time with Jesus, becoming like Jesus, and doing as Jesus did?'“

Help us encourage our teens to grow in Jesus! With so much that tries to distract them, they need us to love them where they are and be the hope of Jesus that walks with them in Jesus!

Thank you all for the continued prayers and support for our Kids and Youth ministries here at Elm Grove. As we are looking at fall and winter, we know we need more volunteers to help us love our kids and volunteers effectively! We are asking for everyone to pray with us for God to provide! There are areas to help in small and big ways that make an impact on the lives of our kids and youth.

Grace & Peace, Pastor Jonathan ~ Youth Pastor of Elm Grove Church

Each week we recognize one of the families in our congregation. We ask that you lift them up in prayer and find a way to encourage them. Please take a few moments to send them a message, call, or in some way, let them know that you are thinking of them. If you don’t know who they are, this is an excellent opportunity to get to know some new people! We love all of our community here at Elm Grove and are so glad that you are part of it!

August 6th ~ VBS Participants

August 13th ~ Donna Rose

August 20th ~ Elaine Barfield

August 27th ~ Claxton McLawhorn

tree of life additions

In Loving Honor of Benny Cox by James and Jennie Lou Garris

In Loving Honor of Randy and Annie Tyson by James and Jennie Lou Garris

In Loving Memory of John M. Baker by James and Jennie Lou Garris.

In Loving Memory of Virginia W. Spence by James and Jennie Lou Garris.

In Loving Memory of Jane C. O’Donnell by James and Jennie Lou Garris.

May 2023 Newsletter

Armoring Up

The importance of teaching our children – and new believers about what we believe

As believers, we step into battle. We step onto a battlefield, as soldiers, under fire the moment we receive Christ as our Savior. We have an enemy, a strong, powerful, deceitful, evil, enemy. He is roaming to and fro like a lion seeking whom he may devour.

Seasoned believers who have been on the battlefield for a while should know how to fight, and we should be training those who are younger, weaker, or less experienced. Sometimes these are kids in our Church; at other times, it is adults who are new to the faith, or even people who have known the Lord for decades, but never really prepared for the battle they are in. So many Christians have far too many battle scars because they were on the battlefield but had no idea how to fight. They had no armor, no weapons, and thus they got hurt. When we fail to teach or train believers, we leave them defenseless. Like a baby wrapped in soft cloth, warm and snuggly, content but fit to sit in a nursery, not a battlefield.

Satan doesn’t wait until we are trained and prepared before he attacks. Satan’s goal is to steal, kill, and destroy. He doesn’t want a fair fight. He doesn’t wait until we say, “Ready!” to pounce. He clearly says, “Ready or not, here I come!”

So we have a choice. We can prepare for battle and prepare those we lead and walk alongside, or we can lay back and wait and say, “I’ll deal with it when it comes.”

Some may even ignore the battle, like an ostrich, with their head in the sand. It doesn’t stop the war; it simply provides comfort while in no way diminishing the risk of getting hurt.

Not a one-person job

Discipleship – the process of learning and putting on the armor of God – is not something one individual alone passes onto another. God has given us a body of believers, the whole congregation of the saints, to help us become equipped.

Thus, it takes the whole Church to lead others into a powerful personal real relationship with God. We ALL have a part to play!

What do these roles look like?

Building relationships

            We are to build relationships with one another. We are to care and listen to the other person’s needs. We are to pray for them and stand alongside them in battle. Our job is to ensure that our brothers and sisters in Christ never feel like they are fighting alone. Taking time to listen and care for each other is a big part of pointing each other closer to Jesus. We can do this in many ways, whether by a coffee date to build up and encourage, dinner with another couple to remind them that they are cared for, or simply sitting on the back porch rocking and talking. How can I know what to pray for if I never sit with you and listen for how the enemy is attacking? How can I link my shield with yours if I never get close enough to be in danger? Building relationships means being vulnerable and willing to share your burdens and carry someone else’s. And together, we bring them directly to the Father at the foot of the cross.

Participating in Small Group Bible Study

While building relationships is a wonderful tool for learning how to put on the armor of God, relationships with other believers alone may very well leave holes in our armor. To strengthen our armor and to grow as Christians, we need to be in the Word of God – together! Yes, we need to be in the Word of God alone and have a personal daily walk with God. This is vital. The most essential part of any believer’s walk is their daily time with the Lord.

However, God has given us each other to cover the other’s blind spots. There are things about me that I don’t notice. In some areas of my life, I need others to say, “ Your armor is slipping over here; here’s how we can cover it.” I need my fellow believers – and you do too.

Small group Bible study provides an opportunity for genuine open relationships in a way that a large group doesn’t. We need corporate worship – but it doesn’t replace small group study.  

Small groups Bible Study provides accountability. And an opportunity to share what God is teaching you and how He is at work in your life and the people around you. These small groups provide an opportunity to proclaim the goodness of God and give thanks! To spur each other on and encourage one another.

Serving the Church and the world.

As we learn God’s Word, we must also put it into action. Every believer has a role to play in the Church, and there is a job for each person. No one is too young or too old.

There are many places to serve: Elm Grove Kids, Grove Youth, Prime Timers, serving in the kitchen, leading a Small Group Bible study, cleaning and caring for the church buildings, serving on the publicity committee, joining the welcoming team or ushers, driving the van to pick-up or take-home people who need rides. The list of opportunities to serve goes on and on. I promise there is something God has called and equipped you to do. (If you need help figuring out what come and talk to me, Mr. Jonathan, Mr. Frankie, or your Sunday School teacher.)

Every part of the body has a role to play.

Yet we should serve both inside and outside of our church walls. We are called to be the hands and feet of Jesus going out into the world. We aren’t called to stay put and find safety. We are called to engage on the offensive side of this battle – rescuing the lost, throwing out lifesavers to the drowning. God has mandated us to break down the gates of hell and release the prisoners. Therefore we must go into the world in one way or another and engage the lost, tell them about Jesus and His gift of salvation, and then train them to be warriors in God’s army when they accept that gift.

So, What’s your part?

So I want to challenge you to sit with God and ask Him where you are in this battle.

Do you need to gear up? Do you need to teach others how to put on their armor? Do you need to serve in a new way, or maybe learn to say no to things in life so that you can say yes to more of What He calls you to? Are you spending time with Him? Are you involved in a small group Bible study? Are you serving inside the Church? Are you serving or connected to the lost? I can’t say what God has determined your next step to be, but I can promise you this – God has a plan and wants to use you if you are willing.

Step up and join the soldiers in battle, don’t let yourself and those around you get defeated because your armor isn’t on.

pastor appreciation day is may 7th

First, I want to thank all of our volunteers who serve and love our kids each month. Take a moment with me, and say a prayer for them. Thank God for their willingness to serve. Ask God to encourage them as they show love and live out the love and presence of Jesus with our kids.

If you are not currently serving in our Kids’ ministry but feel God’s tug at your heart, we have plenty of opportunities for you to serve! We currently need more Nursery and Children’s Worship volunteers, and we also need people to help serve with our day camps and other children’s events.

As Spring slowly begins to turn to summer, we look forward to the change of pace that will come with the ending of school. At Ultimate Wednesday, we are finishing our prayer verses and reviewing all we have learned! We continue to learn to pray and to take time to slow down and connect with God. It has been an absolute joy to see these young people grow in their ability to be still and know that He is God, talk with him, and share their lives with the God who sees them and cares!

In Children’s Worship, we continue to celebrate Easter as we learn how the apostles' faith has impacted their lives and how our faith in Jesus can change us too! As we connect with our kids on a personal level, we teach them what it means to have a real connection with each other and with God!

To our parents (and Grandparents):

I would like to encourage you to take a few moments each day to pray with your kids and encourage them to pray with you. Model an active prayer life and time in the word for your kids. When they see you do this, they will be impacted! 

Elm Grove Kids Summer 2023 Calendar


Grove Youth Nights: 

Our once-a-month Sunday night gathering is going okay, and still trying to be a place where our middle and high school teens are welcome to come to hang out and have fun and hear God’s Word. It is been revolving lately to being done here and also going to join other groups for worship. We traveled to Velocity in March, and for May, we are going to be with our sister churches when we host the Youth Convention here at Elm Grove.
Ultimate Wednesdays / Wednesday Nights Classes:
Ultimate Wednesday this year has been a great opportunity to build relationships with our kids! We have been able to divide them into 2 groups (younger and older).  Our theme this Spring has been “Checking in with Jesus,” we have been learning: what prayer is, how Jesus teaches us to pray, why we do it, and the power of prayer. As we emphasize the importance of hiding God’s word in our hearts, our kids memorize a Bible verse each week. We have been taking time to pray with and over our kids, and it has been a journey to see them learn to get still before God and share their hearts with Him.

Thank you all for the continued prayers and support for our Kids and youth ministries here at Elm Grove. As we are looking at the summer and fall this year, we know we need more volunteers to help us love our kids and volunteers effectively! We are asking for everyone to pray with us for God to provide! There are areas to help in small and big ways that make an impact on the lives of our kids and youth.

Grace & Peace, Pastor Jonathan ~ Youth Pastor of Elm Grove Church

Grove youth Summer 2023 Calendar
mother's day is may 14th

Each week we recognize one of the families in our congregation. We ask that you lift them up in prayer and find a way to encourage them. Please take a few moments to send them a message, call, or in some way, let them know that you are thinking of them. If you don’t know who they are, this is an excellent opportunity to get to know some new people! We love all of our community here at Elm Grove and are so glad that you are part of it!

April 2 ~ Lloyd and Taylor Hess

 April 9 ~ Jesus

  April 16 ~ Carolyn Miecnikowski, Rebecca Miecnikowski and Jonathan Hennemuth

 April 23 ~ Nikki, Raylynn, and Jaxon Bowen

 April 30 ~ Tommy and Donna Hodges


tree of life additions

In Loving Memory of Christine C. Clark

by James and Jennie Lou Garris

In Loving Memory of Mary P. Jones

by James and Jennie Lou Garris

In Loving Memory of L. Jean Dawson

by Barbara and Jerry Spitzer

In Honor of Richard and Sue Henderson

by Truman and Peggy Webber

April 2023 Newsletter

From the desk of Pastor Franklin Baggett

Can you believe that it is already springtime?  Where has this year gone?  Spring brings many exciting things.  Flowers start to bloom, trees begin to bud, and it seems like everything comes back to life.  Spring is a wonderful time of year.  To me the greatest thing about the spring season is it is the time in which we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  The Easter celebration has been the great celebration of the church down through the years.  The heart of the Christian faith is the event of the resurrection.  It is the resurrection of Jesus Christ, which makes sense out of it all.  Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 15:13-15 “But if there is no resurrection of the dead, then Christ has not been raised; if Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain and your faith is in vain.”  The resurrection will help us to see that sin can be defeated, that suffering can be overcome, that death has no final power and that we can trust in Jesus’ promise that He will always be with us even until the end of the world. 

Let’s think about these four things for a moment.  The Old Testament tells us that without the shedding of blood there can be no forgiveness of sins.  The Old Testament people would offer sacrifices to God for their sins.  These animals that were sacrificed had to be the very best of the animals.  They had to have no blemishes or spots.  But even then their blood was not good enough to wash the sins away, it would only cover it for a time.  Jesus had to come and die upon the cross shedding His perfect blood so that our sins could not only be covered but they could be washed away.  Because our sins can be washed away by the blood of Christ, sin has no victory over the Christian.  We might have the consequences of sin in our lives, but ultimately sin has been defeated by Jesus.

The resurrection also teaches us that suffering can be overcome. All of us have our problems and trials.  We all go through our times of pain and troubles.  But Jesus died and rose from the grave to prove to us that he can help us overcome all that will try and keep us down.  The writer of Hebrews tells us in chapter 4 verse 15, “For we have not a high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.”  Christ knows what we are going through and will be there to help us overcome all that we have to face.

“O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?  The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law.  But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” [1 Corinthians 15:55-57]  Jesus by His marvelous resurrection has conquered death.  We have no need of fearing death anymore.  Death has no power over the followers of Jesus.  Death is just a doorway that we must go through in order to be with Christ for eternity.  Jesus promised that he was going to prepare a place for us and one day those who trust in him will be able to spend eternity in his presence.

After the death of Christ many of the disciples felt depressed.  They thought Jesus was gone and they did not know what to do.  They had gathered in a room hiding from the authorities trying to figure out what to do.  All of a sudden Jesus appeared to them and said, “Peace be unto you.” [John 20:19]  Have you ever wondered why Jesus said “peace be unto you.”  Think about it, the disciples were worried.  They had seen the one whom they thought was the Messiah die on a cross and be placed into a tomb.  The one whom they had followed around for some three years was now gone.  What were they going to do?  It seemed like they were all alone.  But through the gloomy air of loneliness, Christ appeared to reassure them that they were not alone.  He was there to give them the kind of peace that the world does not understand.  The kind of peace that cannot be bought or achieved on your own.  This kind of peace only comes from the Prince of Peace who has promised never to leave us or forsake us.  From that point the disciples understood that Jesus was there.  He was there for them.  And He is here for us.  He will always be there when we need Him even until the end of the world. 

May the Lord place a smile on your face and love and joy down deep in your heart as we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord.

                                             Pastor Baggett

Elm Grove Kids News and Updates

We are looking forward to Easter! With So many fun ways to celebrate the resurrection of Our Lord and Savior! 1,2,3, Jesus is Alive! Join us as we sing and dance during Children’s worship about Jesus’ Resurrection, Truth, and Life!

We are looking forward to the Egg hunt this Saturday! Please join us for eggs, candy, and LOTS OF FUN!!! We do still need people to bring cupcakes, chips, and drinks! Please call the church office if you can bring in those items.

During Ultimate Wednesday, we are still making sure to "Check-in with Jesus." Seeing these kids learn what it means to pray and enjoy spending time with Him has been incredible!

We are also looking for more Volunteers in our Church nursery! We need your help! One Sunday a month, can you volunteer to spend time with our little ones, see to their needs, and share with them the LOVE OF GOD? Please See Chandler Whitford for more information!

Please also continue to pray for our many Children's Workers who shine the love of Jesus as they serve these kids and their families! Also, pray for our kids as they learn to love Jesus and grow closer to Him! We continue to pray that God will grow our children’s ministry and HIS CHURCH! We aim to bring the good news of the Gospel of Jesus to every boy and girl in Ayden, Grifton & Beyond!

When looking at the story of Jesus in the Gospels, we see Jesus welcoming the younger ones of society to come to Him. This is a beautiful image of how we need to be as the church to invite, welcome, and love the youth of our community. It is such a blessing to see all that God is doing in the lives of our teens. Even when we find the days that it does not seem they are listening to a word we say or participating as we hope. They are picking up what it means to be more like Jesus every day. It is subtle, but the sparks are connecting, and they’re beginning to understand what it means to live in the ways of Jesus.

We hope all of our middle and high school students can join us on Wednesday Nights and for our Grove Youth Night coming up on April 16th! We are planning on having a time of games, fellowship, and a time reading God’s Word together!

Thank you for your continued prayers for our youth and their families!

~Pastor Jonathan, Youth Pastor of Elm Grove Church

grove youth flyer
Last Month's Very Important People

March 5th ~ Joey & Carrie Adams

March 12th ~ Debbie Best

March 19th ~ Jimmy & Hilda McLawhorn

March 26th ~ The Wethington Family Michael, Tiffany, Laikyn, & Cutter

In Loving Memory of Lenwood Earl Sauls

By James and Jenny Lou Garris


In Loving Memory of Jesse B Holland Jr.

By James and Jenny Lou Garris

See you Soon Image

March 2023 Newsletter

From the desk of Pastor Franklin Baggett

During the month of March, we focus on Missions.  This includes Foreign Missions and the mission ministries at home.  There is another part of missions that is just as vital that I am afraid that we are not as involved in as we ought to be.  That part is called personal witnessing.

God has called each and every one of us to share the good news of Jesus Christ with our family, friends, and acquaintances.  We are to tell them about the amazing love and salvation that can be found in Jesus Christ.  Some might say, “Well, I don’t think it is a good idea to discuss religion with other people.”  And I might understand what you are saying, but I am not asking you to discuss religion, I am telling you that you need to talk to people about your relationship with Christ.  People might be able to argue with you about religion, but no one can argue with your story or your testimony.  You just need to tell and show them what the Lord had done for you.  How God has worked in your life.  How God has blessed you!  How God has brought healing to you!  How God has given you forgiveness and how you have found that joy and strength to keep going each day.  People are hurting, and they need someone to help them find the answer to their situations, and that answer is Jesus. 


If we are going to reach the people in our world for Jesus, we are going to have to understand a few things.  First, we are going to have to understand how vital it is that people come to know Christ as Savior.  There is nothing more important in this world than a person’s soul.    Scripture teaches us that a person’s soul is worth more than the entire world.  “What shall it profit a person if they shall gain the whole world and lose their own soul, or what shall a person give in exchange for their soul.”

We need to understand that people’s eternal destination is determined by how they respond to Christ.  We need to help people meet Jesus.  There seem to be three groups of Christians, just as there are three types of people at the scene of an accident.  At accident scenes, there are three groups of people, each with a different response toward those involved in the accident. The first group is the bystanders and onlookers. They are curious and watch to see what happens but have little active involvement. The second group is the authorities, like police officers.  Their response is to investigate the cause of the accident, assign blame, and give out appropriate warnings and punishments. The third group is the paramedics. They are the people usually most welcomed by those involved in the accident. They could care less whose fault the accident was, and they do not engage in lecturing about bad driving habits. Their response is to help those who are hurt. They bandage wounds, free trapped people, and give words of encouragement. Three groups - one is uninvolved, one is assigning blame and assessing punishment, and one is helping the hurting. In which group are you?

When it comes to reaching the lost and hurting, we’re going to be in one of these three groups. We will be uninvolved and let others do the work. Or we will condemn people for their foolish behavior, saying things like, "It’s your own fault that you’re in this mess. If you had been going to church and doing as you should, this never would have happened!" Or we will be concentrating on helping those who are lost and hurting. I hope we will be showing compassion like those in the last group!

The second thing we need to understand is that reaching the lost takes effort.  Helping people come to know Christ is not always easy.  It will take hard work and effort. 


Several years ago, I was directing a week of camp at Vandemere.  At that time, all the boys and men stayed in a big room that was full of bunk beds.  One evening in the middle of the night, I was awakened by the door going outside shutting.  I got out of bed and realized that one of our young campers was gone.  It just so happened that I had been told that this boy was known to sleepwalk on occasion.  As I looked out the door, my heart dropped when I realized the river and pool were just a few yards away, and I did not see the young child.  My heart began to accelerate, and I began to yell the young man’s name.  By that time, one or two of the other male counselors came outside and asked what was wrong.  I explained to them what had happened, and we began to search near the pool and river bank.  We did not find the camper, and I began to get even more excited, rushing around even more.  We looked everywhere we could think of, and finally, I went into the dining hall, and there was the young boy sitting at a table fast asleep.  I felt so relieved that we had found him.  (By the way, after that, I put a bed in front of the door so no one could get out without us.) 


We had been so concerned over that young man that we made every effort and searched everywhere.  I never said, "Well, I’ve lost one child, but we have other campers here at camp." No, one child mattered! He mattered enough to give everything we had toward finding him.  Here’s the point - it took an effort to find him, and it will take that same kind of diligent seeking for us to reach the lost. In our Christian lives and in the church, it sometimes seems that we do the opposite. We tend to wait for the lost to come to us. We’re passive rather than active. We’re waiting for people to come to Christ instead of putting effort into bringing them to Christ! I know that we all could do a better job of witnessing for the Lord.  We want people to come to know Christ as Savior, but have we really put the effort in.  This has to change if we’re to reach the lost for Jesus. 

How do we practically exercise this principle? What do you and I need to do in order to be following Jesus’ instructions about giving effort to reaching the lost? There are several things we can do. First, a significant part of our prayers should be for the lost. Second, making every effort means making evangelism a significant part of the ministries of Elm Grove. We must also be careful to dedicate a significant part of the ministries toward disciplining those who are already Christians. Nevertheless, this is no excuse for not seeking the lost as Jesus instructed us to. Third, making every effort to reach the lost means we must be willing to make outreach a significant part of our personal and church spending. And fourth, we must intentionally form a relationship with those who do not know Christ and tell them about Him.  We must intentionally invite people to church, Sunday School, and other events at the church so that people can hear the Good News. It has been proven time and time again that more people are introduced to Christ by their friends, family, and acquaintances than they are by strangers or even sermons from preachers.   The most important thing you and I can ever do is to share Christ with someone.

Another thing that is necessary for reaching the lost is persistence. It is not easy to reach people’s hearts so that they receive Jesus. It is not usually the case that our first efforts meet with success. Sometimes it takes years and years of persistence, but we should not be discouraged or give up.


The story is told that following an exhilarating performance at New York’s Carnegie Hall, celebrated classical cellist Yo-Yo Ma went home, slept, and awoke the next day exhausted and rushed. He called for a cab to take him to a hotel on the other side of Manhattan and placed his cello—hand-crafted in Vienna in 1733 and valued at $2.5 million—in the trunk of the taxi. When he reached his destination, he paid the driver but forgot to take his cello.

After the cab had disappeared, Ma realized what he had done. He began a desperate search for the missing instrument. Fortunately, he had the receipt with the cabby’s ID number. After searching all day, the taxi was located in a garage in Queens with the priceless cello still in the trunk. Ma’s smile could not be contained as he spoke to reporters.

Here’s the point, Yo-Yo Ma did not quit but persisted because what was lost was too valuable to give up on. The spiritually lost are too valuable for us to quit trying to reach even though our efforts do not pay off quickly.  We must keep telling, living, and doing the good news of Jesus Christ.  Unsaved people matter to God.  Scripture tells us that all heaven rejoices and throws a party when one person comes to know Christ as Savior.  If lost people matter this much to God, shouldn’t they matter this much to us? Shouldn’t we be willing to give everything needed in order to reach the lost? My answer is "yes," and I hope yours is too.


May the Lord place a smile on your face and love and joy down deep in your heart as we seek to win the lost to Jesus.   Be blessed, and be a blessing!!!!

                                             Pastor Baggett

Elm Grove Kids News and Updates

In Children's Worship, we have recently completed our series on Love! We finally made it through all of the words in 1 Corinthians 13! To find out more about all that we learned, take a look at the February 2023 Newsletter! Now we will be turning our attention to sharing God with others and understanding His grace!

On Wednesdays, we continue to learn about prayer! We are learning about who we pray to, when and where we can pray, and SO MUCH MORE! Our Kids have enjoyed popcorn prayer and play dough prayer! If you see some of our Wednesday kids, ask them which they liked best!

We are getting ready for some exciting Easter fun! Go ahead and put the Easter Egg Hunt on your calendar (April 8th) and be prepared to invite all those you can! We are planning a special and fun way to invite your neighbors and friends to spend time with us hunting eggs! 

Continue to pray for all of our volunteers! They do so much for the Kingdom of God by sharing God's love with these little ones! If you see someone serving, please take a moment and tell them thank you!  Continue to lift up our kids as well! Pray that they may walk with Jesus, in close fellowship with God, all the days of their life.

That is my prayer for each of you as well.
Be blessed!

It is a great time to be involved in youth ministry! Yes, there are days when it seems challenging and hard, but we have a God whose grace is sufficient for all of our needs and supplies us with everything. I say this because we have the great opportunity (and I dare say the responsibility) to be a place that is open and welcoming to any and everyone that comes to Grove Youth! One of our hopes is that each teen that we interact with knows that God loves them, and we do too! Even if that means opening up the gym for some ball and having snacks to enjoy. Being here is a place of refuge, and this is a place they can begin seeing and encountering God, who is there for them.
We are looking for others willing to help us out to be a smiling face to our teens. Please let me know if you are willing to help us pour out love on them! 

~Pastor Jonathan,
Youth Pastor of Elm Grove Church

Dear Church Family,

God has answered my prayers again.
Thank you so much for your help in getting a ramp for Pat.
"Your thoughtfulness means so much more than words can say."

God Bless you all,
Pat & Barbara Roberson

Last Month's Very Important People

February 5th ~ Hernandez Family

February 12th ~ Bettie-Coley Allen

February 19th ~ Jerry Stallings

February 26th ~ Carol Whiteley

In loving memory of Philip M. Haddock
by James & Jennie Lou Garris

In loving memory of Dr. Michael B. Hobbs
by James & Jennie Lou Garris

In loving memory of David B. Shirley
by James & Jennie Lou Garris

In loving memory of Wayne G. Bridges
by James & Jennie Lou Garris

See you Soon Image